Breast & Gynaec Oncology Blog

Recognizing the Signs and Symptoms of Colon Cancer: A Guide to Early Detection

Introduction: Colon cancer, also known as colorectal cancer, is one of the most prevalent cancers worldwide. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), it ranks third in terms of cancer incidence and second in cancer mortality globally. However, early detection greatly improves the chances of successful treatment and survival. Recognizing the signs and symptoms of […]

How to Prevent Permanent Stoma in Low Rectal Cancers?

Colorectal cancer, particularly when affecting the lower rectum, presents unique challenges in treatment due to its proximity to the anal sphincter. Preserving sphincter function and avoiding the need for a permanent stoma (colostomy or ileostomy) is a crucial goal in managing low rectal cancers. Several strategies have been developed to achieve this objective, each tailored […]

Inflammatory Breast Cancer.

1.What’s it:  Inflammatory breast cancer is one of the types of breast cancer. Which spreads rapidly. Breast becomes red and swollen during this breast cancer. Generally, cancer cells block the lymph vessels in the skin of breast in this cancer. This is  rare type of breast cancer. Most of the inflammatory breast cancer are invasive […]

Triple Negative Breast Cancer.

More than 2.3 million people diagnosed with breast cancer in 2020.Triple Negative Breast cancer is  one of the type of Breast Cancer  What’s it: Meaning: The name triple negative breast Cancer (TNBC) say so much about the meaning of the Cancer. its one of the Types of Breast Cancer.  Triple negative states that the patient […]

Types of Breast Cancer

Throughout the History of Breast Cancer doctors and researchers have found various types of breast cancer. Breast cancer can be classified on three broad categories. One is based upon histopathology, second is based on extent of cancer and third one is receptors-based breast cancer. Now all of three broad categories are subdivided into types of […]

Breast Cancer : Myths and Facts

Breast cancer is a disease with which a lot of myths and misperceptions are associated which lead to scare the women suffering through this, so it is important to separate fact from fiction. We need to go through history of breast cancer. Let’s look at some of the myths   Breast cancer is one of […]

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