Ductal Carcinoma’s of Breast

Ductal Carcinomas

Ductal Carcinoma of breast refers to all the breast cancer which arise from milk carrying ducts of women. Majorly there are two types of Ductal Carcinomas.

Ductal Carcinomas in situ and invasive ductal carcinoma but apart from this there are many types of breast cancer related to milk carrying ducts of breast.

In ductal Carcinomas of Breast the unusual and rapid growth of some cells starts which lead to formation of tumor or lump in duct. It gives a duct an irregular shape at that place. This is Ductal Carcinoma.

Ductal carcinoma in situ is again sub- classified based on their microscopic growth pattern. comedo, cribriform, solid, micropapillary and papillary. These are also called as morphological types of DCIS.



For ductal carcinoma in situs there are no such symptoms. You might find blood discharge from nipples. Or unusual feeling in one breast.

For IDC you will have symptoms like redness on breast, swelling of one Breast, unusual pain in one breast, dimpled skin etc.



DCIS is found through x-ray. But calcification also looks same so 3D mammogram screening can be used to precise detection. Biopsy is also an option to detect DCIS.

IDC can be detected through same procedure only difference in this case is you can feel lump in breast in many of the cases.



DCIS The treatment is surgery either breast conservation or Mastectomy depending on the spread within the breast.

Most patients do not need any further treatment.


Invasive Ductal carcinoma

Treatment depends on condition of patient, spread of cancer. Your medical history is taken into consideration for selecting the treatment.

  1. Breast conserving therapy or partial mastectomy
  2. Radiation therapy
  3. Mastectomy
  4. Chemotherapy
  5. Targeted therapy

Prognosis in DCIS is excellent as it is precancerous condition whereas in IDC it depends on various factors.



Ductal Carcinoma’s of Breast
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