Ductal Carcinoma In Situ

Ductal Carcinoma In Situ is one of the type of Breast Cancer or we can say most common type of breast cancer. 

  1. What’s it:

The name has so much to talk about the disease. Ductal carcinoma in situ means that the cancer or abnormal cells responsible for caner has their origin in milk carrying duct of breast. This is a non-invasive cancer and a pre invasive cancer. Which simply means that the cancer hasn’t spread out of the ducts in breast and will not spread immediately.

So, this is quite like under control situation for patients and doctors. DCIS is also called as intraductal carcinoma or stage 0 breast cancer


  1. Stats:

The risk of DCIS is more in women of higher age of in specific then more than 50 years old. In United States the DCIS holds 20%-25% of total Breast cancer patients.

According to cancer.org every 5th breast cancer patient will be DCIS patient. breast cancer has many myths and facts.


  1. Symptoms:

Generally, there’s no such symptoms for Ductal Carcinoma in Situ.  In some cases, a Breast lump can be found or nipple having blood discharge.

Mostly the cancer is detected by screening tools like mammogram and others. Many people prefer to get mammogram fine every year.

Best advice could be doing mammogram regularly to avoid late detection.


  1. Diagnosis:

Two methods are used for detection of DCIS. In first one you go for simple X-ray and if something abnormal is detected or observed you would be examined again in detailed way.

Before that you need to understand that old cells in breast dies and leaves some calcium deposits back there. that is called breast calcification. It appears as a white spot in breast X-ray. But sometimes the calcification is abnormal leading to abnormal cell growth. And that too can indicate DCIS. 2D and 3D mammograms are used to detect DCIS.

Second method is biopsy. In which a needle is used to insert in your breast to confirm the cancer cell presence


  1. Treatment:

Although DCIS is a non-invasive breast Cancer without proper treatment it can become invasive which means spreading to other parts of breast from ducts.

So proper treatment at proper time is needed. Following are treatments of DCIS.

Breast Conserving Therapy / Partial Mastectomy: Here the area of DCIS would be removed and some area around This treatment is done if there is very less spread of cancer in breast. The patient in very early stage of DCIS can go for this because it keeps most your breast safe.

Radiation Therapy: This will be followed to breast conserving therapy; it is performed to lower the chances of recurrence of cancer. This is a standard form of treatment where BCT will be followed by radiation therapy. Older women can take it as option considering other health factor.

Mastectomy: if the affected area of DCIS is very large then simple mastectomy may be performed. If breast conserving therapy can’t remove DCIS from everywhere or if DCIS has spread in more than one quadrant you can opt for mastectomy


  1. Survival rate:

Patient diagnosed with stage 0 of breast cancer has very good survival.




Ductal Carcinoma In Situ
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