Triple Negative Breast Cancer.

Triple Negative Breast cancer TNBC

More than 2.3 million people diagnosed with breast cancer in 2020.Triple Negative Breast cancer is  one of the type of Breast Cancer 

  1. What’s it: Meaning:

The name triple negative breast Cancer (TNBC) say so much about the meaning of the Cancer. its one of the Types of Breast Cancer. 

Triple negative states that the patient has tested negative to all three hormone tests. The patient lack in estrogen progesterone and that either they produce very less HER2 Hormone or don’t produce it.

So, this results in triple negative results of three hormone test and that why we say it triple negative breast Cancer.

TNBC  accounts for 10-15% of total Breast cancer patients.

It’s more common in women’s less than 40. One who have BRACA1 Mutation and black colored women’s


  1. Stats:

Most of the surveys state’s that Triple negative breast Cancer has 10-20% share out of all breast cancer.

Some survey suggest that it affects 13 in 100000 women’s each year.  Also 15-20% of invasive breast cancer is triple negative breast Cancer.


  1. Symptoms:

This is most aggressive breast cancer. It shows following symptoms.

  • Swelling in breast (all parts)
  • New mass or lump on breast
  • Nipple discharge is there but not of breast milk.
  • Breast and nipple’s start paining
  • Lymph nodes starts to swell.
  • This is when your cancer spreads to lymph nodes.


  1. Diagnosis:

As its names is, This cancer has no specific symptoms. But it assessed by the biopsy of cells. Generally, they check for ER and PR and these two hormones doesn’t express themselves. And HER 2 Hormone express in very less amount. The process by which it is being diagnosed is called immunohistochemistry


  1. Treatment:

As this cancer don’t poses PR AND ER hormones and very less HER2 Hormone therapy is not that useful.

Mostly they opt for chemotherapy. Patient reacts well to chemotherapy at start but there is very high chance of recurrence of this cancer that to very frequently.


  1. Survival rate:

According to many Experts 77% of women diagnosed with TNBC live up to 5 years after diagnosis.




Triple Negative Breast Cancer.
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